Saturday 8 March 2014

My BraceFace Journey Begins!

There are two main reasons I decided to start this blog...
1. So I can track my journey. :)
2. I became so obsesed with the whole thing wondering what the end result will look like that reading other peoples blogs really helped me and I only really found two that had a similar case to mine.  So... Maybe this might help someone else.

Why get braces?
I have quite a large overjet and was told by the dentist when I was younger that I would need braces but at that age all I was concerned about was that people might take the mickey out of me and that they would look horrible so the dentist hooked me up with a head gear!

Here I am at 34 remembering the dentists words "you'll regret not having them when you're older".

I've noticed my teeth feeling uncomfortable lately and its almost as if it they are moving outwards from each other... this can only get worse especially since I grind my teeth in my sleep.  Also, I hate having to worry about what my smile might look like in pics if a pic is taken from the wrong angle.

So here I am... a little more responsible and wiser and taking the leap to fix something that's always been bugging me!

This is sooooo unflattering, but here are a couple of my pics of my before smile.