Friday 22 November 2013


Just a small update since ive now had my braces on for just over a month.

Every day has been like a new story in my mouth!  Sometimes I forget my braces are even there.  My bite changes from day to day... when I first had them fitted I found it quite frustrating that I couldnt get my back teeth to touch... last week only the left side could bite and I had a wobbly tooth, today everything feels normal!

One concern Ive had is that Ive been grinding my teeth in my sleep and its sometimes so loud I wake myself up, I thought Id broken my teeth on one of the nights.

My face also seems to have changed... at first I thought my face looked a bit haggered and sad... others have said my cheek bones are more prominent or that I look like Ive lost weight it made me really paranoid at first but im getting used to the subtle changes, my profile seems a little bit flatter and softer and (even though ita probably down to the braces) my lips look fuller which I dont mind at all!!! :)

I popped in to the ortho this morning to get seperators put in either side of the tooth where the bracket popped off where my ortho will fit a band in when she changes my wire. 

One thing I am looking forward to is the extraction gaps starting to close up!